5 Ways 托管IT服务 Solve Your IT Staffing Problems

如果你的IT经理今天辞职怎么办? What if two or more of your internal IT team needed time off at the same time? What if maternity/paternity leave for multiple IT staff overlapped? What if everyone in the IT department got food poisoning from the takeout meal they shared?

We’re getting a little melodramatic here but the point that we’re making is that when you have a small internal IT team, you’re just one situation away from big trouble, 尤其是在就业市场紧张的情况下. How can you make sure that you’re always staffed even if something happens to pull IT staff away from their work for a short or long time?

People with the Right Balance of Skills and Knowledge

Your 招聘 managers could always bring on more full-time employees but in the end, that might not solve your problem since you don’t just need people, you need the right balance of skills and knowledge. It’s also very expensive to be over-staffed and while the extra people will probably find something to keep busy with, how they spend their days might not be what brings your business the most value.

The solution for more and more businesses struggling with long term IT employee retention is to outsource all or part of their IT needs with managed IT services. It’s a cost-effective way to not only get the IT staff they need, but to ultimately turn technology into a driver for growth and competitive advantage.

托管IT服务 – Your Cost-Effective Solution to IT Staffing

1. 一致的IT人员配置

With an internal team, you’re almost always going to be in an over or under-capacity situation. 当你的能力不足时, there are tasks or even whole disciplines that may not get touched because of time constraints or lack of knowledge. When you bring on more people to share the load, all of their time or their core skills may not be fully utilized. Working with aManaged Service Provider (MSP), gets you the right amount of IT staff that you need with no worries about gaps in service when people take vacations or time off. Plus you won’t need to worry about high turnover.

2. 获取资讯科技专业知识

Access to all of the IT disciplines that make up a comprehensive IT department goes hand in hand with consistent IT staffing. Small businesses these days have sophisticated needs and one person, 甚至是一个小团队, 难道不能指望你知道一切吗. A managed IT service company is made up of many professionals in all of the specialties you need for comprehensive IT and security management.

3. Scale Up or Down for Just Right Capacity

Managed IT services scale with your business, providing you with exactly what you need of each role when you need it. 例如, if your employee numbers go up and down with the seasons, 或者如果你成长得很快, IT won’t be stretched too thin or spread too thick.

4. 不再招聘专业人才

The market for technology professionals is fierce, and it’s not going to get better any time soon. In fact, the talent shortage in the field of cybersecurity is especially severe. One study reveals that the global shortage of cybersecurity professionals is estimated at 2.7200万年. When you have managed IT services, you don’t need to worry the 招聘 process. 他们负责招聘, 招聘, 培训, and retaining the highly skilled professionals who are going to work on your behalf.

5. 价格刚刚好

Take IT staffing off your plate and add to that the benefits that you’re going to get from an MSP’s proactive approach to IT management, and outsourcing IT to a managed IT services company makes a lot of sense. It makes IT not just cost-effective, but a great investment in your business.

相关: Get the 管理资讯科技服务指引 and learn how to enable operations

澳门赌场网址大全 Solves IT Staffing Problems

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